Wyomissing Parks and Recreation
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Egg Hunt at the Wyomissing Hills Memorial Park

Egg Hunt 2025 3
Discover the magic of spring at Wyomissing Hills Memorial Park with the Borough of Wyomissing’s Annual Egg Hunt! This beloved community tradition invites families to gather for a joyous and “egg-citing” event filled with laughter, surprises, and community spirit.

Children aged 1-12 are welcomed to participate in the egg hunt, with staggered start times ensuring that each age group has a fair and fun experience as they search for delightful treasures hidden throughout the park.

Don’t miss this opportunity to create lasting memories and celebrate the joys of spring with your fellow Wyomissing residents. Bring your baskets, your smiles, and your sense of adventure for a morning of unforgettable fun.

Wyomissing’s Annual Egg Hunt promises to be an “egg-stra” special occasion for all ages. Mark your calendars, and join us for this cherished celebration of spring!

If needed, we've set the next day - Sunday, the 13th... as our rain date. 


*Parents may NOT gather eggs.

*This is not a competition; it is intended to be a fun event for all children.

*Children must be able to walk and move about the egg hunt areas freely on their own.

*Each age group will have adult supervisors in the area to assist and offer any type of help that may be needed.

*Remind children about manners - rough-housing, pushing, shoving, or stealing eggs will not be tolerated.  Any type of misbehavior may result in being asked to leave. 

*Each child should collect NO MORE than 15 eggs.

*Children must bring their own basket or bag to hold eggs.

*When the hunt is over, eggs should be emptied and returned to the tables under the pavilion.  

For event updates and registration details, visit our 
social media pages.

  • 1 to 3 Year Olds
  • 4 to 6 Year Olds
  • 7 to 8 Year Olds
  • 9 to 10 Year Olds
  • 10 to 12 Year Olds